To learn more about the Miracles of Siridhanyal and understand that the Millets are Rich Grains.
In India, in a net total sown area of ​​141.0 Mha, rainwater areas represent 85.0 Mha distributed in 177 districts. This represents approximately 60% of the country's total agricultural area.

Millets or Siridhanya are three and five times superior in nutritional terms to the rice and to the grain wheat
Rainwater agriculture contributes 44% of the country's total cereal production and produces 75% of legumes and more than 90% of sorghum, millet and peanuts from arid and semi-arid regions. Even after half a century of neglect, the rainy regions provide livelihoods at almost 50% of the total rural labor force and sustains 60% of the country's cattle population.

Millet production and growing conditions

Millets or Siridhanyas need very little water for their production. Compared to irrigated crops of raw materials currently promoted by ethical measures, millet requires only about 25% of rainfall regime required for crops such as sugarcane and bananas. Therefore, they do not load the irrigation status or energy requests.

The Millets are adapted to a wide range of ecological conditions that often grow in skeletal soils that are less than 15 cm deep. It does not require rich soils for its survival and growth. So, for the vast arid area, they are an advantage.

The production of millet does not depend on the use of synthetic fertilizers. The majority of millet growers, therefore, do not use irrigation and in recent times the bio-fertilizers produced in the home. Therefore, they can significantly reduce the enormous burden of subsidies on government-sponsored fertilizers.

Cultivated using traditional methods, there are no Millets that do not attract parasites. You can define crops without harmful organisms. Most of them are not affected by storage parasites. Therefore, their pesticide requirements are close to zero. Therefore, they are a great advantage for the agricultural environment.

The millets are surprising in their nutritional content. Each one of the millet is between three and five times superior in nutritional terms to the rice and to the grain wheat widely promoted in terms of proteins, minerals and vitamins.

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